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Write Your Life Lessons

Articulate the wisdom you've accumulated

Course Summary

Now is the perfect time to ponder significant business insights and personal life lessons that you've accumulated, because others need to hear what you have to say. You may think, I don't know where to start, or even, I'm not sure how to find the time. But "Write Your Life Lessons" provides a step-by-step writing process to help you capture and convey your wisdom and stories, so you can make sure to pass along your legacy.


The course is structured in modules that release one at a time and remain available for 6 months, so that you can revisit them as needed. Each week, we’ll explore another step of the writing journey, accompanied by videos and downloadable tools, and a chance to connect with others on the same journey. You work at your own pace, but you never go it alone. Although we’ll work on one article together, the skills are then all yours — to apply to anything you write in the future.

Together, we’ll see how much preparation great writing takes — even before the writing starts! But the work on the front end makes it possible to dive in and start writing FAST on the back end.

Module One: Why write, and for whom?

Here, you’ll home-in on your topic and your desired audience. (The narrower your goal, the more you can deeply bring new insights that others might be missing.) We’ll then talk about the single most important element of every article and learn why it will help you shape your own writing.

Downloadable tools: 
“Self-Reflection Worksheet” + “The Storytelling Sandbox”

Module Two: Create a laser focus

Readers want to know what to expect and if it’s worth their time. That’s why you’ll learn to craft a tight focus statement that articulates where you will be taking readers, with just enough hints to intrigue them to embark on the journey. Finally, you’ll draw a rough outline of each necessary point along the way.

Downloadable tool:
“Outlining Your Story Idea” guide

Module Three: Craft an attention-getting lead

You’re ready to dive into the writing, and you’ll start by crafting a compelling lead — where you set the tone and establish the subject, as well as engage reader attention. Together, we’ll explore examples of great leads and how to close-out an article well.

Downloadable tool: 
“Capture Your Readers’ Attention” — a cheat sheet for attention-getting leads

Module Four: Write — just do it!

We’re all master procrastinators. So how do we break through the distractions? Together, we’ll explore how to get past the roadblock of procrastination and follow some powerful, practical tips for great writing.

Downloadable tool: 
“Read Me, Writer" — great books on writing

Module Five: File off the rough edges

Here, you'll learn to edit your own work and become every editor’s favorite writer. A detailed checklist will help you assess every word, sentence and paragraph. And with tighter writing, you’ll find your idea jumping off the page more clearly.

Downloadable tool:
“Self-Editing Checklist"

Module Six: Explore publishing options

In our final module, enjoy my Q&A with two magazine editors — highlighting what catches their attention when articles cross their desks. Even if you’re thinking about self-publishing, their insights can help improve your writing.

Downloadable tool:
“Next Steps for Your Writing Journey"


Previous writers who have joined Diane for hands-on training speak to the power of
a step-by-step course and coaching:

“I really appreciated walking through the process and receiving Diane's specific feedback on my work. I enjoyed that the classes weren't exhaustive but gave very specific steps to improve my writing process and outcome. Diane is clear and thorough. I didn't feel pressure but did feel challenged to grow and improve.”

Melissa Long
Writer, mother of two, avid soccer fan and lover of the great outdoors

"When I was a teenager, there was a period of half a dozen years in the early ‘70s when kids cut off jeans and made them into jean shorts — pulling threads out of the cut-off portion until there was a fuzzy ring around each leg about an inch long. It was tacky and rather unkempt. In a way, that’s how I see the initial efforts of most writers: fuzzy, uneven, unkempt. What you have done for me is help cut off the frays and seam the product with neat, tight stitches.”

Tim Nelson
Pastor and podcast creator 

“It has been very helpful for me attending this class. As I shared, I write, but had never attended a class on how to write. Now I am the better for it.”

George Mwangi Ndari
Writer, preacher and teacher

“I think of editing as something similar to good friends who help you figure out/articulate something you may have known all along; you just haven’t necessarily been able to get it out ‘on your own.’ Writers, no matter who they are, can get too close to a subject and not be able to see it clearly. You’ve helped me learn how to ‘step back’ and consider things from a different point of view.”

Hope Mills Voelkel
Writer and entrepreneur

Course Pricing

Write Your Life Lessons course

$497 USD

    • Six-week online course
    • Videos and downloadable tools
    • Online community for interaction
Buy Now

Course + personal coaching

$697 USD

    • Six-week online course
    • Videos and downloadable tools
    • Online community for interaction
    • 3 personal coaching sessions with Diane for feedback/critique
Buy Now

Meet Diane

Perhaps, when people have told you that they value your advice and insights, you've wondered how you might share those insights more broadly. This course will give you tools for turning thoughts and stories into clear, compelling writing so that the wisdom you’ve gained can multiply in the lives of others who need to hear it.

I guarantee: You DO have something to offer. But sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. What if you had a coach to help nudge you along in the process, with valuable tools and encouragement?

I’ve coached writers for more than 30 years, and I'm convinced that you can learn the same skills. Imagine having the confidence to craft your thoughts for your ideal readers — whether your children, work colleagues or another audience entirely. Imagine seeing your byline published.

Join me on this journey!



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Martha Millhouse

Sharpening My Tools

You work through the modules at your own pace, getting Diane’s expertise in video lessons, Zoom calls and personal feedback throughout the course. For me, the flexibility of this format was key. In the past, I worked as a writer and editor. My job now involves editing and some writing, but dreams of writing some of my own stories stayed on the back burner for a while. This course provided a jump start, and helped me sharpen my tools. Diane’s excellent coaching with great questions and suggestions helped me polish my story into a publishable article.

9 months ago
Bruce Damon

A very helpful course

I knew that my writing tended to be wordy and could easily be boring, but I didn't know how to improve it. Through this course with Diane I have learned exactly what I hoped to learn. I now have the tools to write more crisply and energetically.

1 year ago
Laura-Jean Watson

Giving Hope

I appreciate Diane's encouragement, instruction and editing help. She has helped me believe that it is possible for me to tell stories that will glorify God.

2 years ago
Suzanne Falconer

Artful touches

Telling tales that hit home demands clarity of purpose and honed skill. Diane guided my preliminary strokes as I painted a narrative, coaching me how to shadow words with nuance and splash bold color into verbs. The examples, exercises, and masterful editing were lessons to keep in my writing box for all the stores yet to share.

3 years ago
Sharlene Ortlund

Head vs heart

There are stories in every one of us but how do we get them out? That is what Diane does so well — helping us to tell our stories. Through teaching videos, exercises, examples and then — in my case — edit upon edit upon edit, Diane helped me take my story from one about what happened and what I learned to telling my story not just from my head but from my heart. Thank you, Diane!

3 years ago
Sandy Schoon

Effective and encouraging

I’ve wanted to write for a long time, but I didn’t know how to get started or what to do with the information and thoughts I’d collected. Diane’s teaching segments, the writing exercises and the feedback were not only helpful, but also very encouraging. The online format of the class worked well for me, allowing me to work it into my schedule at my own pace. This has been a very positive experience for me. I not only learned about the writing process, but as I worked on the assignment I learned a great deal more about my topic. I’m so pleased that instead of continuing to say “I’m going to write someday,” I’m now writing! Thank you, Diane!

3 years ago
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Participants have 6 months of access to the course content (all modules, videos and tools) and to our private interactive community.

We all lead busy lives, so never fear: You can start, pause or revisit the material at any point — accessing the course videos and downloadable tools whenever is most convenient for you.

No problem! It can be difficult to home-in on where to start. In the very first module/lesson of the course, we’ll walk through several exercises to help you choose one idea you want to write about in this course. And of course, the tools and skills you gain through "Write Your Life Lessons" will help you to write even more in the future, as more ideas come to you.

The role of coach is incredibly helpful for any writer. Diane knows how powerful it is to collaborate with others in the writing process. Therefore, “Write Your Life Lessons” offers 2 different levels of collaboration, so you can choose what works best for your budget, availability and work style:
     >  The first option starts with Diane’s teaching videos plus a community group, so that you can interact with others taking the course, following Diane's prompts. Diane will definitely be visiting the group, but it's YOUR community, so it won't be a spot for a lot of personal feedback. Then, she adds a live group Q&A call every few weeks — there, she'll answer specific questions that would benefit fellow course members.
     > The second option adds 3 personal coaching sessions with Diane during the course, at pivotal junctures in your writing project.

Diane is always available for further coaching at a reduced rate to course members.

Diane would love to make that promise! Unless you choose to self-publish, however, that decision lies in the hands of editors you approach with your manuscript. But she CAN assure you of this: If you incorporate her pivotal writing tip (session 2 of the course!) and if you learn to edit your own work before you turn it in (a skill taught in session 5), you WILL rise above the pack and grab an editor’s attention. And in session 6, you’ll hear directly from an experienced editor or two about what they are and aren't looking for, and what will most likely cause them to pick your manuscript off the pile and give it careful consideration.

If you have a group of 3 or more, talk with me about custom-pricing: diane@writeyourlifelessons.com

GUARANTEE: Your publishing success as a result of this course depends entirely upon your own hard work. So, no guarantees, but let’s embark on this creative journey together and get you closer to — if not across — that finish line!

You may unsubscribe to emails at any time. There are no refunds for the course, but if life circumstances interrupt, you may put your enrollment “on hold” until another course cycle within a 12-month period.

Any questions? Please email diane@writeyourlifelessons.com

Acknowledgements: Survey icons made by Freepik, Good Ware, Cursor Creative, Anatoly and ultimatearm — from www.flaticon.com